A look back at the daily sketches I made with a little hindsight of a UK lockdown timeline.
Like a tale overheard through a tunnel
Where is Wuhan
The name of place began to be mentioned
Cobra on Covid
It is the same, the chaos and the repetition
Here come the drums
The cry before the noise
Now wash your hands
This memory is mine, real strong and mine
Northern Italy
A sense of inevitable that feels unreal
Sometime a feeling of superiority is mistaken for scadenfreude
Shaken not shaken
It was about the hands, and what we know now
Define prevaricate
Act in an evasive way
A good outcome
Some people foresaw the bad
closure and the turning
The isolation papers lockdown
How did one become the other.
Sports to go
Postpone, postpone, postpone
Bedroom Betterment
A whole new way of caring
a well formed plan
I fill in the forms and now the holiday is more
Clap clap
listen at the window, they did it in Italy we did it too.
Those for whom fun was the worst choice.