For some time now patterns have been invading my drawings, decorative infestations

A Woman and other words
The new normal has so many new things we would nnot have done before like a woman

Best for Me and other words
The use of images and inspirational writing on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and WhatsApp.

Thinking of You
Inspired by the use of images and symbols on Pinterest, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, etc.

Down the Road and other words
He's got three kids, I think. And he's divorced. He's about forty five. He works down the road.

To Delight the Guests of the Gods
Inspired by the use of the old stories of the three graces in art history.

Yet Again and other words
Inspired by the use of exaggerated expression and the use of memes on Twitter, Instagram, etc.

Paisley Kissing in the Park
Is it safe to show affection in a public park, or are your likely to be threatened for your choices.

Have You Ever and other words
Inspired by pagan symbols and the rituals of awaiting social networking alarms.

for You and other symbols
Inspired by the use of images and symbols on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and WhatsApp

Sunset Dress and other symbols
Inspired by the use of images and symbols on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and WhatsApp

Meerkats on Mars and other words
Inspired by the use of images, symbols and patterns on Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, etc

Wallflower Friends
Inspired by the use of images and patterns on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, etc.

This Way and another symbol
Inspired by the use of images and symbols on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook

Stripped to Convince and other words
Inspired by two Rubens paintings, St George and the Dragon and the Judgement of Paris