A tale of the lone and the lonely.

The Harbour Wall


It was in that winter I realised how angry she was.  It was dark and I was about to go home on a quiet evening when I heard her clearly swear.  A loud angry explosion followed by an angry volley between her and Bevin.  I turned off the light in my office but didn’t leave.  I waited to see if the argument continued.  I waited indecisive, wondering if I should check everything was OK.  Bevin came up the path and I stood stock still.  I vowed next time to lean against the wall where I would be less visible.  He didn’t notice me.  I took a while deciding if I should check on her.  Working out what reason I could possibly have to walk down to that corner of the harbour.  Eventually I decided I could do a round of the harbour wall.  I would walk over her alcove and along the harbour wall but on my return I would get a good view of the alcove.  I decided to start my end of shift round the next day.



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