A tale of the lone and the lonely.


The Harbour Wall

That winter she still came down, Bevin usually came with her.  They sat further along.  Nearer the harbour wall there is an alcove beneath the harbour wall path that affords a little shelter.  They had found some crates to use as seats, there are plenty things lying unused in a winter harbour that can be useful in creating a homely cove.  She brought a pair of blankets and a cushion down to their cove.  First thing in the morning on the days after the ferry I would visit their alcove and tidy up.  Hang the blankets to keep dry.  Take away the empty bottles.  I took a broom with me to sweep the broken glass and other detritus into the water.  I took a bucket with me to sluice the ground.  First stack the crates with the blankets and cushion on top.  Then move any larger items to the side.  Then sluice the ground.  Then sweep the foul water into the harbour.  Hang the blankets.  Put trash in my bucket and take it to the bin.

She knew I did this kindness.  There was always an apologetic smile when she saw me on her way to her lookout post.  Sometimes even an hello when Bevin wasn’t with her.

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