
Art takes ideas, combines and works them and presents them back to the viewer.  I am interested in the use of images, patterns, text and symbol on social media particularly as viewed on the mobile phone.

Watching the Voyeur

The attention of the model is distracted. Is the model sharing a moment with the viewer, or has the model disregarded the viewer, or is the model leading the viewer, ...?

Awaiting Image
The profile and the animal, animals usually in profile

Take a bird, a bird of Twitter, maybe, and it will be in profile. Or an elephant, that is in profile too.  Or a zebra.  Even a dik dik.  I wonder what profile I will use.

Monstrous Nude

Awaiting Image
Take a couple, change a couple

Take a couple and exaggerate some of their features, say, represent their mouths as shark mouths.

Naked Kiss

Describe the passion, the lust with an exageration, for all.

Emotional Journeys


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