
Change is always a thing to draw about, this has been a change in my day and a change in my art.

A head

I sketched many pictures of bodies with strange heads, but most of these were not to do with masks or Covid


Sometimes I changed the proportions, in the lockdowns I repeatedly used this idea as the strange was the lockdown normal


In the lockdown I came back to this idea regularly - the idea of obscuring the portrait with shapes and symbols.  Like lockdown 

Strange to bizarre

Many of my sketches are just strange, but often they are strange because they reflect the strange, strange lockdown world


How bizarre it is meeting a person with half their face masked, then, later, it is like meeting a new person when their looks are completely altered with the revelation of their face.

How much

Awaiting Image
And s

And as we all disappeared into our devices can you tell me how much of your mind and memory have you wasted looking at this picture, 27 grams?

Isolation Papers

I drew a lot of pictures reflecting the isolation, single figures or pairs, mostly pairs.  I don't know how they became the isolation papers but once they had their name they grew to form a real thing. 2020


It was so strange learning how to be together again after our months of solitude.  Learning the new rules of interaction.


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